What a great weekend we had as a faith family!

Thanks to all who pitched in and helped make it a great event. Whether you were a pop corn popper or a hot dog maker or a face painter or a booth worker or a Bible character or a registration worker and the list goes on—Saturday night would not have happened without you!
Special thanks to Josh Cornett, our pastor for children’s and family ministries who provided excellent leadership.
I remember walking around thinking “Now, this is the kind of church I’m glad to be a part of!”
We celebrated Reformation Day on Sunday by gathering all older children into the gym. Martin Luther told his story of nailing the 95 thesis to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in 1517. After being interrupted by John Tetzel who tried to sell us some indulgences, we talked about the 5 important truths which we believe—Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone!

Pastor Todd