In our highly technical and materialistic society, we can often get lulled into thinking that God is some abstract, dozing deity that sits aloft and aloof from his creation. How easy it is to go through life thinking things like, “God, are you out there somewhere?”
The good news is that God is God. In fact he is near, and he is calling!
God is God! “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” (Deuteronomy 7:9).
We are God’s people, and he is our God. He is the one, true, and living God. There is no other.
God is near! He is not distant, and he has not forgotten you. So many experience a difficult time in life and find themselves frustrated with God—as if he has let them down or abandoned them. If God feels far away to us, it may very well be that we are the one who have moved! Many folks have had bad experiences with folks at church, and in turn have run away from church. In the process, they’ve run away from God as well.
How great to know that if we draw near to God, he will draw near to us. (James 4:8) Maybe you recently made the decision to walk after God more diligently. These initial days of 2011 are great days to draw near. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
God is calling! The call of God is not just something that came to the prophets of old. The calling of God is not something that he extends only to super-spiritual folks. The calling of God is not just for ministers and missionaries. God calls us all. The question is—Are we listening? The greater question is—“Are we doing what God is calling us to do?
Be a part of MIDWEEK on Wednesday nights at FBC. Food, fellowship, and worship. Come and eat together with other families at 5:00. Stay around the tables for our MIDWEEK worship at 6:00. Kids will head to AWANAs at 5:45 and the students will gather in the student area for awaken.
MIDWEEK is a great time for the entire family. Come and be with others who are striving to follow God.
Call the church, and make your reservation for a great dinner!
Bring your family Wednesday night!
Bring a friend with you!
Answer God’s Call in 2011!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Pastor Todd