Think about this. In Jesus' life, the moment Jesus is most being used by God--what is He doing? He's lamenting on the cross, 'Why have you forsaken me?' The question I ask people is, 'Could it be the point where we are being most used by God is not when we're writing commentaries or producing records or doing the things we think of as being productive? Could it be that the moments in our lives when we experience the most intense suffering and the most intense struggles are when God is using us the most?'
Get your taxes done, get on the bus, and go with the group from FBC who are attending the Read the Bible for Life conference, April 15-16 at Union University. We'll get to be with Michael Card and others who will help us be about the business of reading the Bible for life!
For more information, check out http://www.uu.edu/events/readthebibleforlife/. You'll be hearing more information soon!
Pastor Todd