Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday in Romania



A very long, tiring, wonderful and God-blessed day! 

We began with a baptismal service at Grace Baptist Church in Moldova Noua--a high time indeed in the life of this congreation.  Daniel Barnut from Resita drove in to participate with us in the service.  How good it was to be with Pastors Barnut and Damian after their having been in Paducah.

The house was packed as we worshipped together, gave attention to the Word and experienced the celebration of baptism.  14 people were baptized!

We then travelled to Belobresca where Rex spoke again and we shared the service with a group of college students who were from Timisoara and were doing fundraising work for poor children in northeastern Romania.  What a great time of worship we had together. 

Two woship services began simultaneously in two different churches that evening.  Rex spoke at Grace Baptist Church while I was at Maranathana Baptist Church.  After preaching there (the same college students had come there that evening), I then got in a Dacia and drove over to Grace Baptist Church to preach the evening message there. The service lasted an hour and 40 minutes.

After many pictures, Paces, and hugs, we said our goodbyes and went back for a late supper of Sarmali and chicken and fries.

Thank you Lord, for the reminder that ministry is not something we do for you but that ministry is something You do through us.

Pastor Todd