Friday, April 1, 2011

Applying the Faith, Dedicating Ourselves, and Reading the Bible for Life

Making decisions about fleshing out Christianity into our life decisions is something only we ourselves can do under God’s leadership.  The Holy Spirit leads each one of us to be about advancing the kingdom of God in different ways.  While we all strive to be obedient, each of us will make faith applications according to our own convictions. 
As we share life and walk in obedience together, we exercise grace and compassion as we realize that we are individual members of one body.  Not all of us are the same.  Neither should we be.  What a boring world that would be!  What a boring church we would have.
Some work with their hands.  Some are more skillful with their minds.  Some write cards to those in the church.  Some take frequent international mission trips.  Some adopt babies.  Some make quilts for new babies.  Some speak.  Some labor.  Some teach.  Some serve.  And the list goes on and on and on. 
We all however, are a part of the same family.  God’s faith family called First Baptist Church.  Together, we live out Peter’s words—“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace; whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order than in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.  To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.  Amen” (1 Peter 4:11-11)
Pastor Kevin DeYoung has written wise words which I recommend to the FBC Faith Family.  May we be encouraged and edified by “Doing Good, but a Little Less Than Others.”  DeYoung’s blogpost has been reprinted in our church newsletter by permission from  To read an online version, click on
We will have Parent Child Dedication during the 8:30 A.M. service on Mother’s Day, May 8.  Anyone who has a child who has not been dedicated at FBC is encouraged to participate.  Please call the church to register, and make plans to attend the Baby Steps class during the Sunday school hour on April 16 in the Discover! room.  We will have a fun and encouraging time of fellowship with one another and we’ll hear a challenge from parents who have already travelled the parenting road. 
Interested in learning how to better read the Bible for life?  Plan on attending the Read the Bible for Life Conference at Union University in Jackson, TN.  David Platt, pastor of Brook Hills Church in Birmingham, AL and Singer/Songwriter Michael Card will join Professor George Guthrie and others for this excellent gathering.  This is a fine opportunity for teachers as well as anyone else who seeks to become a better follower of God.  For more information click on  To go with the group from the church, call the church office and make your reservations. 

“The grass withers…"
Pastor Todd