Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Heart for the World in Honduras

Worn and weary, our team of 15 arrived safely at Orphanage Emmanuel just outside of Guaimaca, Honduras.  After leaving Paducah at 1:00 A.M. Sunday morning, we are now settled into the orphanage after walking around, talking with leadership about the week ahead, sharing in supper together, and ready for an early turn in. 

Tomorrow, we begin our concrete project at 5:30 A.M.  That's right, up and at 'em and on the work site at 5:30 to get a jump on the concrete and beat the heat!

Dr. Nelson is heading to the dentist office at 8:30 after milking cows at 5:00.  (He's talking big about milking cows...we'll have to see if he really does it!)

Drs. Stricklin and Housman are headed to the medical clinic at 8:30 in the morning.

Mrs. Presley, Talia, and some other ladies are headed to do some sewing at 8:30 as well.

Josh Cornett and several others will be leading Bible stories throughout the orphanage tomorrow afternoon. 

All this, and over 450 beautiful children to love on.  What a week God has for us!

Thanks for praying.  Keep it up!

Pastor Todd and the H4W team