Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Advancing the Gospel in Honduras

Day two at Orphanage Emmanuel has been hot and lots of fun, and did I say "HOT?"  It's hot down here.

Our scripture passage for today is Philippians 2:5-7--Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  After getting an hour and a half's worth of work in, we gathered for breakfast and reminded ourselves of the fact that the attitude of Christ is the only proper motivation for anything.  As goes our belief, so will go our behavior.  As we think, so we will do.

Lot's of concrete poured during the last two days.  In fact, what we thought would be three day project ended up being only a two day project.  All hands have been on deck as Orphanage workers, older male teenagers and folks from our team have been shoveling, mixing, smoothing, stricking and more...(See pictures for the BEFORE and AFTER.)  With the son beating down, concrete powder flying everywhere, and sweat dripping off, we continuously remind our selves of the goal of the gospel.  Every square inch of concrete is another piece of the puzzle for the gospel to advance among the hundreds of children.  Sore and aching muscles are the result of more being done so that the way is paved for the gospel to advance further here.

Likewise, as some of our team members milk cows, others teach American government classes, some spend time with toddlers, some sew valances, some see sick children, one sees anyone with dental needs, and everyone does a little work with concrete, we all remind ourselves of our ultimate goal...the advance of the gospel.  Some might think that all the service is for children, but ultimately it is for God.  We desire His glory as we spend the week here--knowing that there is the opportunity for children to grow up, leave this orphanage and become change agents in the Honduran culture.  Today, it might seem like we are making an impact on several hundred children, but we are praying that our life and work here this week might impact these children, this country, this world, and even eternity.

Pictures to come...enjoy!  And pray for God's glory at Orphanage Emmanuel.

Pastor Todd and the H4W team