What a week it has been! Tonight we ended our time together with David and Lydia Martinez--those whom God used to begin Orphanage Emmanuel years ago. They shared their story about God calling them to Honduras. And they helped us see again that being a part of a week like this is not about us doing a work FOR God, but about our being a part of a work OF God. There is a big difference!
This week has not been about us. This week has not even been about the children. This week has been about God--about Him and what He has been doing.
Psalm 67 has been very real to us--May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Let all the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!
The take home principle for us as we fly back to the States is that GOD BLESSES HIS PEOPLE FOR THE SAKE OF HIS OWN GLORY. God does not bless us for our sakes, but for His sake. The Psalmist prays for God's blessings so that God's ways might be known everywhere and so that all the peoples of the earth might praise Him.
Thanks for your prayers for us and for the 500 children, staff and volunteers here at Emmanuel. Thank you for praying for our team. May God indeed burden us with a greater burden for His heart for the world.
See you soon.
Pastor Todd and the H4W team