Attention all Paducah residents. Get Low is showing downtown at the Maiden Alley Cinema.
Get Low, starring Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, and Bill Murray is a movie inspired by the true story of Felix “Bush” Breazeale, who attracted national attention and the largest crowd to assemble up to that date when he threw himself a living funeral party in 1938 in Roane County, Tennessee.

“Bush” Breazeale was Amy’s grandfather’s cousin. If you have time and want to read about this most interesting character, check out There’s more information about the movie and some good history as well.
This post is neither a personal commendation of the movie nor a condemnation. Whether you like the movie or not, at least you will enjoy some downtown time at the Maiden Alley Cinema.
You’ll also be able to tell people that you have seen the movie about your pastor’s wife’s grandfather’s cousin!
Pastor Todd