Sunday is going to be another great day at FBC!
First, we will celebrate the marriages of 43 couples who have been married for 50 years or more.
Marriage matters at First Baptist Church because marriage matters to God. God designed for the marriage between a man and a woman to be a vivid reflection of the relationship that Christ has with the church. Few things are a more powerful witness of God’s love and grace than a faithful marriage.
Today’s society approaches marriage like we think about wearing clothes—we wear them for a season or until we are tired of them…then we throw them away.

Don’t miss Sunday. In the 11:00 service, we will recognize these couples who have been married for a combined total of over 2,517 years, and we will celebrate our great God who has given us the gracious gift of marriage!
Second, we will begin the process of electing deacons to serve our church.
The early church chose deacons as they had needs (Acts 6:1-7). Likewise, FBC is selecting men to serve as deacons for the ministry areas of caring and senior adults, facilities, Lord’s Supper, personnel, sound and television, transportation, bereavement, and men’s ministry.
In too many churches, the deacon body is seen as a group who argues over and rubber stamps the initiatives of others. Not so at FBC! I am thankful for the good and godly men who love and serve our faith family by meeting needs.
The deacon body and committee structure were recently combined to focus and enhance our ministry efforts as well as increase effectiveness and efficiency across the board. Deacons serve as “Point Men” for particular areas of service and provide leadership to their team/committee which executes ministries. Deacon Point Men meet needs, maintain unity, and support the ministry of the Word through their service. They also are liaisons to the corporate meetings of the deacon body and give regular attention to church finances and serve as a sounding board concerning potential significant pastoral leadership initiatives.
Deacons are biblical. Read and pray over Acts 6:1-7 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13, talk with others in the church about those you might recommend, and turn in your nominations before November 14. You can pick up a form at church.
I look forward to seeing YOU Sunday with a Bible in your hand and someone by your side.
Pastor Todd