Our First Family is blessed to have a God-focused, Christ-centered, gospel-driven children’s ministry. Our pastor for children’s and family ministries, Josh Cornett provides great leadership not only to the children of our church, but also to our parents. Amy and I are certainly beneficiaries of his excellent and holistic work, and he is helping us to be more intentional, more strategic, more God-honoring, and more faithful in our parenting.
You will want to check out Josh’s excellent blog, Gospel Children: Pressing the next generation up into the gospel at http://gospelchildren.wordpress.com. This is a great resource which will come your way regularly when you subscribe to Gospel Children. Amy and I always look forward to the next post of Gospel Children.
Josh recently posted a recent article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal. This article provides good words for anyone with boys. Having four of our own, we were eager to read the following and encouraged by Thomas Spence's words. You will want to check out Josh’s excellent blog, Gospel Children: Pressing the next generation up into the gospel at http://gospelchildren.wordpress.com. This is a great resource which will come your way regularly when you subscribe to Gospel Children. Amy and I always look forward to the next post of Gospel Children.
Check it out...How to Raise Boys Who Read - Hint: Not with gross-out books and video game bribes
In addition to others, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has commented on this article. Read his thoughts here.
Gospel Children is a great resource! Subscribe today!
Pastor Todd